Saturday, October 20, 2007


I'm actually trying to catch up on some of the assignments. This is the post for Topic of our choice from the week of September 30th. The biggest challenge I've had recently is trying to juggle work, assignments and family. Work has totally overtaken my time with many nights on the road. Add to that unexpectedly babysitting my grandchild and enduring a scratched cornea and needless to say I've gotten behind. (Of course, I live in New England and have gotten sidetracked with Red Sox games.) It's also difficult to stay connected with a completely online class. Of all the courses I've taken this is the first one that has been completely online. It's very strange having relatively no connection with others. I say that and yet fully realize that the very topic we're learning about has everything to do with being connected to others. It's just that the learning curve is huge especially when for me there is no practical application at this time. I've been thinking about how I could use Wiki's with Girl Scout volunteers but it comes back to access. Many don't have enough access to computers to make it feasible. I am going to put more thought into it once I really know how to set one up to see how I can utilize a Wiki to support them.


dancingkaren said...

Hi Pat, Karen from Wolfeboro, NH here. I'm a latecomer to Jeff's course and I know what you mean about "catching up." I wanted to add a comment to this post so you would have another "connection."

Be sure you look at our assignment for Oct. 14-20. It is about an on-line conference that is happening until Oct. 23. Very exciting, overwhelming, stimulating. I skipped ahead in my lessons to work on that since it is a "live" event.


Jeff said...

Totally understand about catching up. I'm over my head at the moment as well. 11 presentation in the next 3 weeks 6 at a conference 1 for the HS student body and 4 for parents.

So here I sit on a Sunday morning trying to catch up and watching the Red Sox crush Cleavland. 10-1 in the third....gotta love the Sox!

Here's to trying to catch up! :)