Sunday, November 25, 2007


I seem to be having issues with my computer being very slow lately. I was unable to listen to the elementary episode #27. It would play but then the buffer would kick in and take a long time to reload. Wish I could have moved it along to other sections of the podcast.

I can see real possibilities using podcasts for assessment. I think there are a lot of students that have trouble with written tests. I know that two of my three children always have had issues taking tests. If they could have verbally explained what they had learned they would have done well. They are successful in their fields but they struggled with testing. I think it is important to have a variety of ways for students to demonstrate competency. Our local school district is implementing e-portfolios from grade 7 & up. It's a requirement from the Dept. of Ed. but I think it will be a great way to show achievement and progress.

the other benefit of podcasts is helping to develop students presentation skills. they really need to organize their thoughts so they flow. It's also a great way for parents and community members to hear what the children are learning. Student's poscasts could be posted on the district/school webpage.

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